Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication

- The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Mom and Dad spent last week visiting Mom's kids in California. They came home on Sunday morning after a bumpy red eye flight. I came bolting out of the door and charged up to my dad, but I could tell right away he didn't have quite as much fun as I had while they were away. In fact, even though I almost knocked him over on the sidewalk when I saw him, he still said to me, "Harry, I really missed you."

Mom really loves going back to California to visit with her kids and fill up on Mexican food and In n Out Burgers, but poor Dad can only take so much of that stuff before he just wants to give up and eat my dog food or just go on a starvation diet. Dad thinks that most Southern Californians define haute cuisine as Del Taco, In-n-Out Burger and Claim Jumper, another chain restaurant. The only difference being that Claim Jumper serves booze and doesn't have a drive through window.

I, on the other hand, had an amazing time while they were away. I almost feel a little guilty letting my dad know that I had so much fun and excitement, while he was slogging through a steady diet of tacos and burritos. Foremost, I got to spend the entire week with my Gram. I have to admit, she spoils me rotten as most grams do. Not only does she save her last bites for me after every meal, but she also lets me sleep with her on her bed - and she has one very comfy bed. I have a very nice bed that my mom and dad bought me, and which I like very much, but there is something luxurious about sleeping on a human's bed, while they're sleeping next to you. It's the next best thing to a spa treatment.

The other fun thing I got to do, which I haven't done in quite a while, was to spend time with my other favorite human, Karen, my dog walker and sitter. You won't believe this, but I actually was invited to a birthday party for Karen's son, Cole, who turned 3 years old. Cole and I are actually the same age, and we've grown up together, so the birthday party was especially poignant to me - about as poignant as any party can be for a Golden Retriever. Needless to say, I had the time of my life playing in the dirt with Cole, his older brother RJ, and their dogs Oden and Trixie. Trixie is an old dachshund, who doesn't have very much patience with us kids, so she sometimes yells at us when we get too rambunctious. We just let her yell, and we go on our merry way. Karen is the coolest person I know, and while I love my parents and Gram to bits, I always have a wicked pissah when I'm with Karen.

Oh, by the way, my mom and dad told me that my cousin, Joe the Cat, says hi to everyone, and was wondering when we were going to move out to Southern California to hang out with him and learn to surf, but judging from my dad's reaction when he got home, he's not too excited about Californication.

1 comment:

Sierra Rose said...

Hi Harry!
Yes, you did have super fun while your hoomans were in California. Too bad they didn't visit N.California....we aren't as into the in-and-out thing... And, also have sweet sunsets from our beaches!

Come for a visit Harry!
It's me, Sierra Rose. I live with golden Honey's mom and dad.

Hugs, and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose