I have told you this hundreds of times in the past, but I want you to know again and again how much I truly love you and how much I loved our life together. You made my life full and brought me incredible happiness. Though the time we shared was much too short, our love is timeless for you are my soul mate. It was not luck that we found each other either; it was destiny because I always knew you were out there. When we finally did meet, I knew I had found my one true love.
I also want you to know that I am still with you. I have left my physical body, but my spirit is beside you. I see how much you hurt, and how overwhelming your grief is, but I am present in your times of despair. I pray that you find peace in my love for you. Death is merely an obstacle - it cannot conquer the love we share. Just remember, it's okay to cry.
When you feel that wave of grief begin to pull you under, I want you to feel the love that I am sending you and wrap yourself in the comfort of its embrace. When you see the Red Tail Hawk perched high in the tree above that will be a sign to you alone that I am with you. In time, you will sense the presence of my spirit, and you will know that my love lives on inside you.

My darling Robert, I will never stop loving you. Our love was meant to last more than a lifetime, so this is not goodbye because my love still burns for you and my spirit will always guide you and watch over you. In life, you were my world. In you I found peace and true happiness; that is what love is all about. Though you are separated from me now by this dimension we call death, we will be together again because we are soul mates. And when that time comes, I will take you gently by the hand and lead you to this new place where we will once again be together and we will never be apart. Just remember, it's okay to cry.
With all my love forever,
Your Dena
And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
- The Goo Goo Dolls
We miss you Dena!
Sue & 790 other members of the S.D. Golden Retriever meetup group.
Dear Robert and Harry,
We know how much you both miss your dear Dena, but she is with you as she so eloquently says in her heartfelt message to you both. She will be with you always. We had been hoping for your blog return but knew that it would take some time. We understand the pain of your grief but want you to know that we within your blog family were deeply moved by your loss and we all grieved with you. We hope that you'll find the strength and will to post again and let us know how you're getting along. We miss you and wish you well.
Dear Robert and Harry,
How we wish that you and Dena would have been able to share many many more happy years together here on earth. We feel sure she is loving and watching over you both.
Take good care,
and her Mom
Dear Robert and Harry
We wish we had come to you sooner, and gotten to know you and Dena better. From what we have read of her earlier posts, she was a wonderful and loving person.
Our thanks to you for sharing her, and to the Bumpass hounds for leading us here.
gussie, teke and muzzer
What a beautiful post. That's all we can manage through the tears. Purrs and tail wags.
So loving and so beautiful. We didn't know you, Dena, but we can really feel the tremendous love you share with Robert and Harry.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a beautiful and eloquent post. Thank you so much for sharing!
What a beautiful letter. We can feel the love!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Robert and Harry
I too am sad , I didn't find you sooner so that i could have gotten to know your beautiful and loving Dena.
I know she is with you always
no doubt in my mind or heart or soul
smoochie kisses
As others have said before us, we regret not knowing you sooner. It is our loss that we weren't here to appreciate the love from your family as it unfolded each day while Dena was physically present with you. But that said, we are glad that we were led here now. Because in the words that we've read, you have enriched our lives and put us closer in touch with the love that binds us all together. Thank you for sharing such a personal statement of love.
Jake and Fergi and their "moma" Sally
Such a beautiful post and such love between the three of you...
You've made our tears flow and you've made us smile to see such love...
Thank you for your words...
Scruffy, Lacie, Stan and their Mumsie
Like the rest said, i am very sorry not to have known u sooner..Ur Dena must have been a loving lady, and she will b missed...the post makes u think, we are all not invincible...I have cancer too, wish i could of been her to support her when she needed it..
Claudette and rocky
Robert and Harry,
I am so sorry for your loss! This is our first time visiting Harry's blog-I wish we had come sooner!
What an amazing letter Dena wrote to the both of you! You must cherish it!
Rest in Peace Dena, I think Harry will take care of his Dad!
Woof, purrs and hugs,
Velcro, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and mom Penny
Thank you for sharing with us.
One true love - please try to find comfort in Dena's words.
We know she always with you & Harry.
Take care of each other and know this is not the end.
I have not visited in ages, and was devastated to hear the news. You and yours are in our thoughts this March night.
It is so sad to lose the ones we love. That is a beautiful letter, and thanks for sharing it.
Dear harry & Dad,
thank you for sharing Dena's beautiful letter. What sweet thoughts, her love comes pouring through them. We hope woo find hope and comfort in her words, she is a wise, wise soul.
jack a-rooo, moo, & momPat, too
Always there...
Khyra, Khousin Merdie, and Mom
This is beautiful and so very touching. Thank you for sharing it with us.. we regret not having known you or your Dena earlier and it is our loss not to have known your wonderful wife/ mom.
Death separates us from those whom we love dearly, but I hold on to the belief that one day, we will all be reunited and that will be how we will stay forever.
All the losses that I have suffered through death have taught me that it can never take away the love and memories you have shared.
Keeping you in our thoughts... (((HUGS)))
What a beautiful post. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Robert & Harry, We are so sorry to hear of the death of your dear Dena.She was such a special lady, as made obvious by giving Harry a voice. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Sincere Sympathy,
Cassie and the pooches,BRD & Hootie
Dear Robert,
I just wanted to stop by to say hello and let you know that I'm thinking of you and Harry.
Love from San Diego,
Sue & the gang
Thank you for sharing the letter from your wife. We don't know what to say. Our sympathies to your family on the loss of your wife and mother to Harry. May you meet again as soul mates in the next life.
Hi! We are checking in to see how you are doing! Sending you hugs!
Oh, we are just finding this most lovely post. With leaky eyes we are sending you so much love, and know that Dena's spirit is in your hearts.
Hugs from us,
Sierra Rose, and family
Dear Robert and Harry,
We have not met, and I am so sad to send this post. Dena was my massage therapist in Temecula/Murrieta, and I followed her to different locations for years. I saw her more regularly than my friends sometimes, once a month for, I don't know, 7-8 years.
I had not had an e-mail from her lately. I realized that about a month ago, and then put it out of my mind. Didn't want to think what that might mean. It has been tugging at me though, and tonight I finally checked the blog to see the sad news.
I loved Dena. She was a healing, gentle spirit and I wish that healing had come back to her. We talked often and alot and shared joys and sadness during those years.
I am so sorry for your loss, and what that means to the rest of us. Please accept my condolences. I hope you will keep the blog up for a while. It is nice to read and see the pictures.
I pray the peace for you that comes from having loved and lost. It is a special knowledge.
Dena's friend, Shari Crall
What a beautiful, beautiful post,
Harry, I know you will take good care of Robert!
I just wanted to let you know that there is not a day that goes by that I don't think if Dena, and Harry, and you.
I hope you are doing ok.
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