Monday, April 6, 2009

Tagged by Brind'Amour

Five random things about me, Harry the Wonderdog!
1) I LOVE wine especially when it is red and expensive.
2) I burp like a sailor.
3) I love lotion and licking lotion off feet and hands.
4) I love to swim in the ocean but I get diarrhea afterwards.
5) When my tummy gurgles at night it scares me so I get in bed with Robert and Dena. They say I crowd but Dena is the biggest crowder in the world.

Now may I tag my buddies Homer, Tucker,Daisy and Leo and Wembley


Homer said...

Hey Harry,

Thanks for the tag. How are you doing? Still busy reading the WSJ? You are such an intelligent dog. You are the first doggy that I know who reads the WSJ! Man I can never understand politics. It's too complicated for me? BTW, you should take your dad to the park for a nice walk and take some pictures of him running and chasing the ball and you can post it in your blog.


Molly the Airedale said...

You're allowed to drink wine, Harry? I wonder if mom will let us have a taste? We'll have to ask!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Selba said...

Hi Harry,

So, interesting to know about you. Must be so nice to drink red wine but make sure, not to get drunk :)

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Hey Harry!

Yeah, the wine is good but personally, I'm more of a lotion guy myself. I love the lotion!


Golden Samantha said...

Mmmmm - vino! I get the same thing after swimming in salt water! (Could it be the wine?) I tried to read your blog the other day, but couldn't bring it up - so glad to get you back today!
Hugs xo,